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The First Baptist Church of Salamanca
News, Reading, and Weather
The Weather Station
Salamanca Weather
Click here for current weather conditions & forecast for Salamanca, N.Y.
Christian Headlines
Click here for Christian Headlines.
Online Resources from Grace To You
Grace To You Audio Blog
Click here to visit the Home Page of The Grace To You Audio Blog with John MacArthur.

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Weekly "Taste & See" articles from John Piper & Desiring God Ministries
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Reformation 21 -The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Reformation 21
Click here to visit "Reformation 21".  The online magazine of The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Encouraging Biblical thinking, living, worship, ministry and constructive cultural engagement.
» Kingdom Living: The Beatitudes

» Lessons from History: What is an Evangelical Presbyterian to Do?

» Listen to Eric Alexander on the Book of Revelation

» An Encouragement and Appeal to Concerned Officers and Laypeople in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)

» Every Place is a Place to Talk about Jehovah

» A Tedious Slog through More Soft Feminism

Modern Reformation
Modern Reformation
Click here to read "Modern Reformation" online.  Modern Reformation magazine is a bi-monthly magazine dealing with theology, apologetics and cultural issues. "In a world of bland, generic Christian journalism, Modern Reformation is written with style, wit, and a finely honed edge."  Gene Edward Veith
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