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The First Baptist Church of Salamanca
For Kids

Daily Bible Study

April 13-19, 2014 
"He Is Risen"
Selected Scripture


"Printable" Daily Kids Bible Study
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This week we will learn what the Bible teaches about "Resurrection Sunday"- the holiday known as Easter. This holiday is to celebrate the Resurrection (coming back to life) of Jesus Christ.  It is the most important part of the Gospel or what we sometimes call the "Good News". 
Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
What principles in these verses can I apply to my life today?
Prayer Starter: Dear Jesus, Help me to understand the significance of Your resurrection.


Jesus is the only man who had the power to bring people back to life.  The Bible tells us about His friend Lazarus who had been dead for 4 days before Jesus brought him back to life.  This was truly a miracle!  
Read John 11:25-26
What principles in these verses can I apply to my life today?
Prayer Starter: Dear Jesus, I thank You that You are the Resurrection and the Life.


Mary loved Jesus very much.  She did something special for Jesus.  She anointed His head and feet with a very expensive perfume and used her hair to wipe it up.  Some of the disciples were angry about it.  They thought she was being wasteful.  Find out what Jesus said to them about Mary.
Read John 12:7
What principles in these verses can I apply to my life today?.
Prayer Starter: Dear God, Thank You for Your divine plan of salvation.


During the Passover the Jewish people took a lamb into their homes as a pet for 3 days and then offered it to God as a sacrifice for their sin.  It was called the "Passover Lamb" and it was only temporary.  They had to do this every year!  The Bible calls Jesus the Lamb of God.  He came and lived with us and then gave up His life as a sacrifice to God for sin forever. 
Read Exodus 12:1-6
What principles in these verses can I apply to my life today?       
Prayer Starter: Dear Jesus, Thank You for willingly sacrificing Your life for sin.


Read: Have you ever heard the phrase "The Last Supper"?  This meal was actually the Passover meal that Jesus ate with His disciples right before His death on the Cross.  This is also where Jesus gives them instructions about Communion (the Lord's Supper). 
Read Luke 22:14-20
What principles in these verses can I apply to my life today?
Prayer Starter: Dear Jesus, Thank You for Your example of courage.


Jesus died on the Cross for only one reason.  To pay for the sin of those who believe in Him.  God made a way for man to be forgiven by sacrificing His only Son, Jesus Christ.  We need to tell every one we know about this.     
Read 2 Corinthians 5:21
What principles in these verses can I apply to my life today?  
Prayer Starter: Dear God, Thank You for sacrificing Your Son for sinful man.


Do you remember what we talked about on Monday?  Jesus didn't stay dead!  He rose again (came back to life) three days after His death.  That is what Resurrection Sunday (Easter) is all about.  Jesus proved He was God!  It really is "Good News"!  How many people saw Jesus after His resurrection (coming back to life)?
Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-8
What principles in these verses can I apply to my life today?
Prayer Starter: Dear Jesus, Thank You that You are alive forevermore!
Memory Verse

"God made Him who had no sin
to become sin for us
so that in Him we could become right with God."
2 Corinthians 5:21
Find Your Verses
Click here to read this week's verses.   
Memory Verse
 “But now thus says the LORD,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
'Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name,
you are mine.' ”
- Romans 10:17

pray for:
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Wycliffe Kids
Click Here for various interactive activities, true stories about Bible translation, and to learn how YOU can be involved in Missions. 
Childrens Bible Hour - Keys For Kids ZONE
Click Here for action, word and puzzle games.  Also lots of fun activities, interesting stuff,  and Bible resources.
Veggie Tales
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Christian History Institue 4 Kids
Click Here for incredible Christian history.  Stories of Real Heros for today, glimpses for kids, and fun stuff.
Kids Of Courage -- "Voice of the Martyrs"
Click here to learn how kids in other countries are standing up for Jesus, sometimes in the face of danger and even death.  Get information on their cultures, food recipes from their countries, and learn how to better pray for them.
Wholesome Words For Children
Click Here for true stories, missionary adventures, biographies, Bible challenges, and a section on "Children of the Bible".
Online Bible Coloring Pages
Click here to color pictures from the Bible WITHOUT CRAYONS !
Kids 4 Truth
Click here to go to the "Kids 4 Truth" Website.  Kids 4 Truth International exists to inspire and equip God's people to reach boys and girls worldwide with the memorable, creative, leading-edge teaching of God-focused truth.
JUST FOR FUN! ** Parents, Children, read the statement below! **

**Parents, Please supervise your children as these links below don't claim to be "CHRISTIAN" We did not find anything but games and activities on them, but we can't constantly monitor other websites and their updates, etc...  We recommend that everything you do be according to God's Word, and therefore Biblical Discernment is necessary in all things.  "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  1 Corinthians 10:31

Virtual Hockey Games
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Fun With Football!
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