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The First Baptist Church of Salamanca
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1 Samuel: iTunesRSS Link

2 Timothy: iTunesRSS Link

Adult Sunday School: iTunesRSS Link

Christmas - 2006: iTunesRSS Link

Christmas 2007: iTunesRSS Link

Ecclesiastes: iTunesRSS Link

Kimberely Anne Griffith : iTunesRSS Link

Life Together: iTunesRSS Link

Misc. Messages - Topical: iTunesRSS Link

Proverbs of Solomon: iTunesRSS Link

Recent Video Messages: iTunesRSS Link

Special Music: iTunesRSS Link

Special Speakers: iTunesRSS Link

Stop Dating the Church: iTunesRSS Link

The Epistle of James: iTunesRSS Link

The First Epistle of the Apostle Peter: iTunesRSS Link

The First Epistle to the Thessalonians: iTunesRSS Link

The Gospel According to Mark: iTunesRSS Link

The Gospel of John: iTunesRSS Link

The Lord's Supper -Sermon Series: iTunesRSS Link

The Revelation of Jesus Christ: iTunesRSS Link

Titus: iTunesRSS Link

Wednesday Night Bible Study: iTunesRSS Link

When A Loved One Dies In Christ: iTunesRSS Link

Whose money is it, anyway?: iTunesRSS Link


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