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The First Baptist Church of Salamanca




The purpose of 'The Church' is to glorify God by building itself up in the faith, by instruction of the Word of God, by keeping Christ's established Sacraments (Baptism and The Lord's Supper), by fellowship of the saints, and by the advancement and communication of the Gospel both locally and throughout the entire world. We are given these commands as a local church from the Bible, God's Word. At The First Baptist Church of Salamanca we have a strong commitment to Preach the Word (2 Timothy 4:2). The Word is the Christian's only weapon. It is the Word of the living God that is most powerful, the two edged sword, which alone cuts to the depths of the heart, soul, and spirit. We are committed to verse by verse expositional preaching and teaching. What glorifies God is the exposition of Scripture. The reason is simply this:  in the Bible, God is revealed.God's glory is on display through the Biblical record. God puts Himself on display in Scripture. Therefore, the preacher has one clear compelling duty--to display the glory of God by the exposition of Scripture. We come before the Bible understanding it is NOT...the word's of men, but as it is in truth, the Word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe. (1 Thessalonians 2:13) Our Elder's have the same desire that was expressed so beautifully by a former preacher and teacher of God's word; "I am content to live and die as the mere repeater of scriptural teaching, as a person who has thought out nothing and invented nothing, as one who never thought invention to be any part of his calling, but who concluded that he was simply to be a mouth for God to the people, mourning that anything of his own should come between." Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892. Our prayer at First Baptist Church is that this site will help equip you by the Word of God to live a life that glorifies God the Father, exalts the Lord Jesus Christ, and is yielded to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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